Monday, July 19, 2010

Sports fans are the best

So after our giant hike in Yosemite, we couldn’t really justify spending more time there—doesn’t that seem crazy? But really, on the hike we saw so many different terrains and fantastic views of the landscape. What were we going to do—go on another hike to see the same thing from another angle? We poured over the atlas for a while and decided to head for San Fran / Oakland, which wasn’t originally on our radar, but the A’s were playing that night and a baseball game sounded fun so why not? 

Our friend and wedding DJ James happened to be house-sitting in San Fran, so he met us for the game across the bay and let us stay at the beautiful little place he’s watching over.

As it turns out, the Pleasure Way garnered a lot of attention at the Oakland stadium. We get a lot of honks on the highway and a few congratulations here and there, but to the Oakland A’s fans, it was like we were the first people on the planet to get married and it was their duty to offer us anything they had. I’m convinced if someone had been carting around a sacrificial lamb, it would’ve been ours for the taking. Instead, we shared a Sierra Nevada with the local swim team coaches and then sat in our free seats (see, I told you) for a good-but-losing game against the Angels.

Our very tall new friend, Brian.

Look who we found in San Fran - Matt G.!

The next day, we spent an idyllic morning in the Castro:

Squat & Gobble crepery. You had me at sidewalk cafe.

Denver crepe. YUM!

Some bro love at an awesome view of the city.

And finally, an amazing slide (this is just the bottom portion) that someone built into a city park. Just about everyone catches air going down. Brian went at least 10 times.

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