Sunday, July 18, 2010

4,800 feet later...

The first rain clouds we've seen. 
They last about 15 minutes, and they formed a rainbow. 
No complaints!

We rolled into Yosemite in the evening right around sunset, which didn’t leave a lot of time for scenic driving. Our friend Whitney from Mammoth had really pumped us up for hiking to Half Dome, one of the park’s most well-known peaks, and also one that no one ever thought humans would ascend. It also happens to be around 17 miles long, which is just a hair longer than our standard 5 mile hikes. We were hoping for another day to relax after our mountain biking escapade, but you can’t hike Half Dome if it’s going to rain (lightning striking the rock and whatnot) and the next morning was the only completely sunny day on the register sooooooooooo we got right to it. If you have 5 minutes, check out the video* of our 17-mile, 4,800-foot elevation, 11-hour day!

*It's in HD so you may want to leave it paused at first so it can buffer.


  1. Oh my gosh. Amazing! Great video! I'm sooooo glad you shared it with us :) Love you both!

  2. wow - congrats on completing it! i can't beleive how many other people were doing it, too.

  3. That looked amazing. Less than amazing: Brian forgetting to put on deoderant...I've seen that.

  4. the video was amazing - it looks like quite the destination! i would probably develop an instantly severe fear of heights from those cables...eek!
